Friday, June 10, 2016

My Day

8:31 PM Eastern Time Zone~ on the couch

So, this post is going to take me a while because Phoebe (one of my cats) is laying on me....... so I am only able to type with one hand.

Oh Thank goodness! Phoebe finally got off me!

OK, so anyways I got out of school yesterday, thank goodness, and it wasn't as great as I thought it would be. I got a couple signatures in my yearbook, got all A's and one B+ on my final report card, but something was missing. I felt like, I don't really know the word.

It's that feeling where people are acting nice but you know they are actually faking, but they don't give any effort to cover it up. I don't know why I feel that way, I know some people do care about me but I just, I don't know....

Ave got dismissed early from school, so I was bored out of my mind!!

But anyway, I decided to do a little photoshoot with Ave and Liz in the park next to my school. The pictures look really good! I wish I could put them up here but I don't have my phone and they're on Facebook, maybe when I get my phone back and download the blogger app I will post them.

But I had Ave look off in the distance with her hair blowing back and I added a vintage setting to it and added a light flare

Another one there was a tall, thick tree and Ave was on one side and Liz on the other and snapped the picture that way. I added a contour setting and tweaked with the contrast and brightness. Lastly, I did one of Liz, she was sitting with her knees off to the side because she was wearing a dress and looking off to the side, but her hair couldn't really fly back because its short. I added a light flare in the bottom right corner and added a blue tint that brought out her eyes.

Ave and I agreed to make her birthday party Photography themed and I would be the a) photographer and b) the hair stylist. We are going to have a black and white theme, )because who doesn't love b+w?!) except Ave might have a colorful flower in her hair, to indicate that she is the birthday girl and to bring at least a little color into the picture. I might have the other girls wear colorful shoes, but I'm not exactly sure yet....

So, have I told you guys about Breakthrough?

If not, keep reading.

If so, scroll down through the next paragraph(s)

So anyway, Breakthrough is a summer program for "gifted children" to go to Monday-Friday from 8-3. Most people will probably react like this: "girl are you for real?! Another school?! That gives actual homework?! In summer???!!" but no, its more then that. Yes, they do teach. For rising 7th graders its Biology, Algebra, Writing, and Beginner Literature. For Rising 8th and 9th graders its Chemistry, Algebra 2, Writing and Literature. For Rising 10th and 11th graders its Trigonometry, Astrology, Advanced Writing, and Advanced Literature. For Rising 10th, 11th, and 12th you have the option to teach the others. That's what it is. Students teaching students. College students can teach too.

So, I just got my schedule, and one of my extracurricular courses is Video Editing!!! That's what I am looking forward to!!!!!!!!!!

Anyway, until that program starts I stay at home. But, that Saturday(the 25th of June) is my dance recital, that Sunday (the 26th of June) is Ave's birthday party, and that Monday(the 27th) is our first day! A weekend full of excitement!!!

picture perfect girl, offline xxx

8:54 PM Eastern Time Zone- still on the couch

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