Saturday, July 9, 2016

Service and Gratitude Day!

5:52 PM Eastern Time Zone~ computer desk

Hi everyone! Friday(yesterday) was Service and Gratitude Day at Breakthrough. It was a regular day up until after recess, then it was all activities. I though it was really awesome how Breakthrough did all these crafts....

We made these bookmarks for the elderly people who can't get out of the house, we made a 6x6 quilt square to make one big quilt to give to a family who doesn't really have any necessities, and we wrote letters to the veterans/people who are still fighting. One of the teachers knows someone who is in the Navy, and we were video chatting him, we also got to ask him any questions we had. He had been in the Navy for 19 years.

I just thought it was really cool breakthrough did these things for the people in need.

But I have other stories I'll share with you Monday.

I'm going up North tomorrow so I won't be able to post.

But I will try and post every day!!

picture perfect girl, offline xxx

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