Thursday, July 28, 2016


5:56 PM Eastern Time Zone


So, yes I have not been posting recently. I can't find the time to. I don't think I will post until school starts (August 30th) because nothing interesting happens in my life during the summer.


picture perfect girl, offline xxx

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Service and Gratitude Day!

5:52 PM Eastern Time Zone~ computer desk

Hi everyone! Friday(yesterday) was Service and Gratitude Day at Breakthrough. It was a regular day up until after recess, then it was all activities. I though it was really awesome how Breakthrough did all these crafts....

We made these bookmarks for the elderly people who can't get out of the house, we made a 6x6 quilt square to make one big quilt to give to a family who doesn't really have any necessities, and we wrote letters to the veterans/people who are still fighting. One of the teachers knows someone who is in the Navy, and we were video chatting him, we also got to ask him any questions we had. He had been in the Navy for 19 years.

I just thought it was really cool breakthrough did these things for the people in need.

But I have other stories I'll share with you Monday.

I'm going up North tomorrow so I won't be able to post.

But I will try and post every day!!

picture perfect girl, offline xxx

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Went on a walk

2:38 PM Eastern Time Zone~ on the couch(I swear that's not where I've been all day)

So, yeah. I went on a walk. It was this really long road, my dad calls it the P road, even though it looks nothing like a P. It's called Horizon Lane. It took a long time, and it was 3 1/2 miles long. It was windy out, and it started raining on us.

Anyway....... I'm not in school yet. I don't really have any more stories until I start Breakthrough...

But I don't have any friends there (cry face)

But, I have no plans for the rest of the day, probably going to be on the couch the rest of the day until I go to my moms. I might build a fort. I don't know.

Well, I'll check in with you guys next time...

Oh yeah, before I go I wanted to tell you my summer schedule so you can know when I post. I always post at my dads house, usually not at my moms unless I bring my laptop there. But in the summertime I will be at my Dads on Monday(3:45) Tuesday, and Wednesday(I go back at 8 PM) and every other weekend(No Friday posts)

So, yeah! Thank you all so much for reading my blog! Thank you all!

picture perfect girl, offline xxx
  (ps I know this is posted late for some reason it never posted)


4:57 PM Eastern Time Zone~ computer desk

I am not on my bed.

I am not on the couch.

I am at a computer desk!!!

I can post everyday!!! Sadly that will not happen. So I will not really have a posting schedule anymore, except there will definitely be posts on Tuesday and Wednesdays.

But anyway I just finished my homework and I am really bored. But have any of you done my poll? I really enjoy your feedback. Also, for my DIY Hacks please, feel free to email me.

Feel free to email me anytime! If you are interested in guest posting, I am doing that up until school starts again, summer is usually my boring streak. I follow a lot of blogs on other sites, WordPress for example, and they do lots of guest posts. Just make sure to send me your name in the email.

Also, please do not by any means feel obligated to do this but I really really really love reading comments you guys post on my blog. It makes me feel happy to know someone is reading and that they actually like the blog!

Thanks everyone!

picture perfect girl, offline xxx

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

You may have noticed....

6:56 PM Eastern Time Zone~ on my bed

So, you all may have noticed that my blog has changed its looks. All my blogs are being changed with the design and I am adding things to the sidebars.

I have a translator, a poll which would be amazing if you guys could kindly do the poll, and a bit about me. I hope I can inspire you all to do good.

picture perfect girl, offline xxx

5:18 PM Eastern Time Zone~ in my bed

Hi everyone! I just finished posting in DIY Crafts and School and Life Hacks, so now I am going to post here! Before that I did my chemistry homework.

So, in Breakthrough we are working on using less "filler" words in our sentences, um, like, so, yeah are all examples of filler words.

So we had a competition to see who could say a story in a minute without using filler words, and we sent 2 representatives up to go. I was one of them. So next week, we have to talk in front of the whole program. Yay me.

I don't know why I shared that it just felt necessary.

Nothing interesting is happening in my life right now, maybe I'll post when something interesting happens.

But I got 100 pageviews!! Thanks everyone, it means a lot to me. PPG is my most viewed blog, I didn't think you guys liked my stories!!

I swear I'll get some soon.

Happy Late Independence Day!!

picture perfect girl, offline xxx

5:23 PM Eastern Time Zone~ in my bed

Monday, July 4, 2016

DIY Crafts by Kay

Hi everyone!

I changed the name of one of my blogs to make it into crafts!

Heres the link:

Thanks everyone!!

picture perfect girl, offline xxx