Saturday, May 28, 2016


I'm back with another story! This one is a little funnier though.

So Ave has a mega crush on a kid named Jack Frost, she has for about three months. So one day while I was absent(if you know someones birthday you know their school email password) decided to send him a message from my account. Here is what they read:

Ave: My brother ******* ****** knows someone who has a major crush on you. Not to creep you out or anything but....... That's what he said.I think she's on the track team. Don't know her name though. Sorry for the weird email........

Ave: It's the girl with blue tips on her hair. She's a blonde.

Jack Frost: ok?

Ave: I  know this is really random I'm super sorry. By the way she's kinda shy.

Ave: Are you on the track team too?

Jack Frost: ya? and how do u have my email

Jack Frost: and how do u know me. ?

Ave: To be honest....... The girl who likes you is actually my best friend. She was too scared to talk to you herself so she asked me to. Her name is Averie Blight. The way you can get peoples emails is by hitting the "compose" button and then you search their ID or name. She pointed you out to me and I said "Oh I think I know what his name is." then I said "I'll talk to him for you" then she said "No don't!" but I did anyways sooooo...... Sorry if I creeped you out........

Me sending him emails for payback

Me: Ignore Ave's latest email

Me: she knows my password so she keeps hacking into my account

Me: Can you please answer us. Ave is desperate for someone to email her.

Me: We know you use the computers in period B.... So you need to answer us or we will find you at the dance and we will embarass you in front of everyone....😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇

Me; That was Ave sorry

Get the jist? Do you guys want more? Comment below what you think of my blog and if you want more! Thanks guys I really appreciate this.

Picture Perfect Girl, offline xxx

Walk Against Hunger

So, yesterday, my school and every other middle and high school in our district does a Walk Against Hunger. Check out that page and everything about the Walk here and you might have to scroll down a little bit. But overall, my school raised 6,500 dollars!! We did an awesome job! I walked 6.3 miles and raised over 300 dollars alone. What made me a little angry was that a lot of the girls that think they are popular stopped and sat near a tree and braided each others hair and PAINTED THEIR NAILS. Ave, Liz and I are called LAK, that's just our personal little group name.
You can see the signature on my Walk Against Hunger shirt. It also says it on Ave and Liz's shirts

Here is a full view of the front:

I would show you guys the back of it but I'm still wearing it. Anya\way, I encourage you all to do some good for your communities, like do your own Walk Against something! Get a clipboard and a pencil and get started! Or, just set up a lemonade stand or play music and donate it to charity.

Off to go swimming!

Picture Perfect Girl, offline xxx


Hey everyone! You will not believe what happened that caused me to be inactive. Well, the second part is unbelievable, the first, not so much. So, my laptop has been broken for a while and yes I have posted it on my other blog which you can read here and here. Turns out, just from going on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, 71 yes, you read that correctly 71 viruses were on my laptop. Yeah that's the believable part. The other two weeks while my laptop was fixed by my Computer IT uncle, I got


yeah, that's the unbelievable part. Why? You ask? I'll tell you why.

So, we were doing a practice essay, but my teacher told us whoever didn't finish would get detention. So, me being a good friend wanted to help my extremely-slow-when-she-types friend Ave(that's a nickname) with finishing it. So, she handed me her rough draft and I typed her ALREADY WRITTEN rough draft into the computer and got suspended for 2.5 days. The rest of 5/13/16, 5/15/16 and 5/16/16 but my parents grounded me for two weeks. But I'm back!!

Picture Perfect Girl, offline. xxx